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Workplace Infection Control

The world has changed.

In the time of Coronavirus, workplaces are under pressures and scrutiny as never before. It is imperative to take every precaution possible to maintain a safe workplace. 

The latest evidence is that the COVID-19 virus is largely being spread by airborne pathogens, both in large droplets and also in micro particles, aerosols which can potentially travel many metres, carried on the currents of air-conditioning. Screens and guards can be an important part of your strategy in limiting contact while increasing the confidence of staff, clients and residents. We offer a range of screens & sneezeguards, and many other practical and new products to better prepare you now and into the future. 

Of course we cannot know right now whether the changes we need to make are temporary or more long-lasting, so we offer a range of solutions, including the quickest and easiest to fit screens in the market and some more enduring solutions to getting people back to work.