- 6 point height adjustability and 3 point factory set depth, so the seat can be customized for the users' comfort.
Durable design with a high static weight load.
Easy to clean vinyl upholstery.
Comes with padded overhanging armrests that give the user greater support and grip to help with sitting and standing safely.
The backrest has a deep curvature to improve ergonomic support and comfortability.
- The bariatric model comes with an additional cross-brace giving the frame a greater weight bearing capacity for safety.
- TGA registered and designed to meet AS/NZS.
Product Code: E934 Seat Width: 450mm, Depth: 450mmm, Seat Height: 450mm-590mm, SWL: 200kg
Product Code: E934W Seat Width: 550mm, Depth: 450mmm, Seat Height: 450mm-590mm, SWL: 200Kg
Product Code: E934B Seat Width: 650mm, Depth: 450mmm, Seat Height: 450mm-590mm, SWL: 400KG